Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Can I Do?

Most advertisements and commercials have been trying to make their products better by saying they are "Environmentally-Friendly." Some actually help make the world a better place while others are the exact same as it was before, or worse. Take cars for example, many companies are selling/advertising "green" cars. It migt be because they run on electricity insted of gas. Well, either way, your not really helping our planet, are you? My oldest brother spent a year in France at a university there, but when he came home, he gave us his car so that he would have to bike to school everyday. It was a hard choice to make, but he believes that it WILL help our environment. So a way that I could help as well could be to car-poor with friends when I need to get somewhere, run and bike more often, or even spend more time out in the "fresh" air insted of being inside just playing video games. That's one thing that my family likes to promote, being and staying active.

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